Academy Graduates

Our boy Remi was a good boy before Julie’s but had the energy of a “kid at chuck e cheese 24 hours a day.” He also pulled really hard on the leash, making walks really not enjoyable. He had a level of anxious energy and would pace and not know what to do unless you were throwing him a frisbee or ball.
We were a little concerned about the training, we didn’t want him to not be himself after the training. We knew he needed to get the energy and excitement under control and knew that, after our first phone call with Josh, that they would be able to help.
Our world has been transformed! We got Remi back 2 weeks ago and have gone so many places with him. He has spent entire days out and about with us at breweries, concerts, dinners, downtown Frederick events. He is still very much himself but knows how to be calm and only be crazy about the ball or frisbee when we ask him too. When we stop, he settles right back down.
There is NO more pulling on the leash, Remi now walks in heel and off leash or on leash we have the same results as the trainers!
There was conversation between my wife and myself about wether we needed to spend the $ on this training before we picked Remi up also. Now, as my wife says, she would do it all over again. We are sending our new puppy there in May!
People ask us about and compliment us on Remi’s training now daily and are always saying what a good boy he is! It’s soooo nice to hear from strangers!!! He is now such a well behaved dog!
Julie Josh and Gabby really care about your dog and want the best for them and you! If you are considering training here for your pup to the point that you are reading reviews, you should just pull the trigger and do it!! You will be soooo thankful you did!
Kris and Melissa

The off leash freedom and on point obedience that is an end result of training with Julie Josh and Gabby is amazing. They got our 8 month old pup to find me relevant, listen, and calm down. Before training I actually thought she might be deaf, I even had her hearing tested. Nope, just stubborn! She did amazing at training and continues to amaze me at home. Wholeheartedly recommend Julie’s K9 Academy.!
Anne Wheeley
Milo and Ruby

My dogs were OK before they came, nice enough but one was bad on the leash, they both greeted visitors inappropriately when not held, and they couldn’t be taken out to an adult outdoor meal without making their owners exhausted from constant wiggling and whining. Now they heal, stay in place when visitors arrive, and remain in down stays when we go out to eat and bring them. I’m constantly hearing about how well behaved they are instead of how cute they are (perhaps code for the only nice thing people can say about your dogs?). I highly recommended Julie’s K9 Academy. My dogs are so much more fun to be around now! They did wonders, even with a stubborn 9yo dog! Love these guys!
Angela Chase

I cannot recommend Julie’s K9 Academy enough! Our Golden Retriever, 10 months old, was so difficult to walk that it was pure frustration with each walk. She would pull, sniff and try to eat just about anything she could get a hold of. She also demonstrated resource guarding toward us and other dogs when she got a hold of sticks or trash!
She has always been sweet and good natured but we wanted to be able to enjoy her more as a family. Especially on walks and while taking her to the kids soccer games. The resource guarding had to stop, especially at the dog daycare she attends.
After the 2 week board and train, the transformation is amazing!! We are so pleased with her training results and she even seems happier and more confident! Walking her is now enjoyable, we can have her off leash and we don’t have to stress about her eating something awful resulting in another trip to the emergency vet! Thank you Julie, Josh and Gabby!
Carol Gulla

Cannot say enough good things about Julies K9 Academy! Duncan was very leash reactive and had bitten me a few times during some crazy on leash moments. We had basically given up walking him anywhere that wasn’t the woods. Duncan is a whole new dog after completing the three week behavior board and train program! He’s confident, he listens and best of all he doesn’t react one bit while walking near other dogs! Duncan seems so much happier now that he knows he can trust us and we even walk him off leash. Would recommend everyone to send their dog here!